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Venue: TBC
Date: TBC
Price: TBC


Duration: 2 Days.

Who Should Attend: Operational, Quality and Technical staff/Food safety management team members implementing HACCP or food safety plans and BRCGS Professionals.

Assessment: HACCP 25 question exam; Pass mark 60%.

Course Summary: The purpose of this course is to train technical and quality staff from sites who need to be able to establish and implement a hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) system.


Key Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the BRCGS requirements in relation to HACCP
  • Describe Codex Alimentarius principles of HACCP
  • Describe the reasons HACCP may fail and the most common BRCGS non-conformities related to HACCP
  • Complete the preparatory stages for developing the HACCP plan
  • Conduct a hazard analysis, determine CCPs and develop a HACCP plan with monitoring, corrective action and verification activities
  • Food laboratory directors, managers and technicians
  • Consultants and researchers involved in food safety


To book please complete the form below, or call 0845 609 0383 and one of our advisors will get back to you.